
Hi I was wondering if there is a limit to the number of user flows and personas that you can store in a project? Many thanks, Kev

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Kello Kev,

We have no limits for both UF and Personas. Sort of. I mean, how many you want to create? :thinking:


No limits basically, ok then.
Thank you Nick.

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Sure thing!

All the best.

The limit on the number of user flows and personas you can store in a project depends on the specific tools or platforms you are using to manage your project. Different project management or design collaboration tools may impose their own limitations on the number of user flows and personas you can create or store. However, in most cases, these limits are typically quite high, allowing you to manage a large number of user flows and personas within a single project.

I have a question regarding the capacity of user flows and personas in FlowMapp. I’m currently working on a project and I’m wondering if there is a limit to the number of user flows and personas that I can store within it. As my project progresses, I anticipate creating numerous user flows and personas to capture different scenarios and user journeys. It’s important for me to understand if there are any restrictions or limitations in terms of the quantity of user flows and personas I can have in a single project.

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