Integrations: Jira, Useberry, Figma

Jira Integration:

  • I want to be able to see any card that is related to a specific page (I.e. any card related to my Homepage shows in the page card)
  • I want my developers to be able to see the flows off the jira card when they are developing
  • I want the status of each card to be drawn from the jira status (I.e. if 4 cards are in progress, page stats shows in progress. If 2 cards are in backlog and 2 cards are done, list the multiple status, if all cards are complete, the card status is done.)
  • I want to be able to place user stories within the pages and link them to jira cards
  • I want to link tasks to a user persona or customer journey map


  • I want to be able to test the flows I am creating in flowmapp, to push into useberry so I can test them live with users.
  • I want to be able to see the results of my flow or page testing within the page or flow descriptions


  • I want to be able to see the flows in Figma as well
  • I want to be able to select a Figma screen as my page image
  • I want to be able to link pages from Figma into the user flows for developers to understand what pages and functions go together
  • I want to be able to link multiple figma page designs to one card to show hover states, advance stages, and click through stages as well as the static pages.
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Hey Caroline!
Thank you very much for the feedback!
And sorry for the late reply -there was a lot to discuss with the team :grin:

So, I had to say that we love the idea of integration with Jira idea :+1:
We think we could implement pretty much every request about Jira you mention, but on the top of the cake probably is this one:

I want the status of each card to be drawn from the jira status (I.e. if 4 cards are in progress, page stats shows in progress. If 2 cards are in backlog and 2 cards are done, list the multiple status, if all cards are complete, the card status is done.)

This is really cool.
For this, we don’t have any ETAs (even approximate) as we’ve never worked on Jira integrations before and we just can’t even imagine how much time it could take.
But it sounds cool, and we would like to add integration with Jira.

This one is difficult. Our opinions were divided on Usebery integration and it ended up with our CEO and Product managers boxing fight without gloves (joke (no)).
All we can surely say for now - we need more time to think about :sweat_smile:
To describe in short - we probably can make the same functionality within FlowMapp without integration with Useberry.

:fire: :fire_engine:
We. Love. Figma. And for a long time, we want to extend our integration with it.
We’ll probably add every request on the list with time.

Great list :clap:



Again thank you so much for the prompt thorough response! Very excited to see all the integrations being considered!

Referencing the Useberry integration, if Flowmapp could mimic the same functionality, it would be great if FlowMap could also keep a list of users, questions/scenarios, Tests and results from User Testing!

We right now use ClickUp to keep user information/moderated scenarios/individual user tests/results/scripts, Calendly to coordinate with users schedules, UseBerry for unmoderated testing and prototype heat maps/analytics, Google Docs to write a debriefs, Google Drive to keep our recordings, and Respondent to recruit new users!
It would be great to keep a lot of that data in one database and be able to link back to the page cards/ flows so it keeps to a more holistic UX research process!

Thanks again for hearing out my wishlist! :dizzy:


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It’s important to have clear visibility and organization within your project. Ensuring that related cards appear on specific pages and that developers can access Jira card flows will streamline the development process.

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